On September 1st, National Acne Positivity Day spreads out a message of approval and self-love while putting our finest face forward.

As a number of us know, we evaluate our appearance more harshly than we do others’. Many times, we allow outside viewpoint to affect our self-confidence based upon our look. There are days, where we judge each imperfection and mark. Acne is a universal skin concern and is the primary reason to speak with a skin doctor.

This day motivates us to let go of the stigma related to acne and take time to love ourselves for who we are. While our skin can make us feel susceptible, we do not have to give it power over us.

Acne might frustrate, irritate, and hinder us; however, acne is an obstacle like any other, one that we can conquer.

Believe in yourself - Love to Help Others, Dundalk Ontario


Put your finest face forward. Whether you like a bare, no-nonsense look or prefer a glamorous you, share your gorgeous skin with self-confidence.

Accept the face you have and share it with the world. Share your struggles and your successes. Offer a shout out to good friends who’ve adopted a positive attitude about their skin– those Acne Positivists. Love them because they make us believe we can do it, too. And we should! Celebrate your skin– every acne, pimple, zit– all the ways we explain acne.

Acne Positivists, while motivating others to take the roadway of courage and optimism, turning hardship into empowerment.

“Looking back, the biggest mistake I made was feeling ashamed of it. Acne is a part of life. You don’t need to be embarrassed of it.”
Cameron Dallas


Click Here To Learn More On Self Love and Confidence